2010 Korea-Japan Number Theory Seminar at Seoul
where: Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
when: 2010, January 20 (wed) - 23 (sat)
web: http://www.math.snu.ac.kr/~dhbyeon/2010_Korea-Japan_NumberTheory.htm
List of Lectures
20 Jan 2010
Yamazaki, Takao (Tohoku Univ.) Higher dimensional class field theory for a product of curves
Choie, YoungJu (POSTECH) Ramanujan Tau function
Kobayashi, Shinichi (Tohoku Univ.) TBA
Lee, Yoonjin (Ewha Womans Univ.) Construction of Cubic Function Fields from Quadratic Infrastructure
Otsubo, Noriyuki (Chiba Univ.) Certain values of Hecke L-functions and generalized hypergeometric functions
Oh, Byeong-Kweon (Seoul National Univ.) Ternary universal sums of polygonal numbers
21 Jan 2010
Ochiai, Tadashi (Osaka Univ.) p-adic L-functions over Galois deformation spaces
Seo, Soogil (Yonsei Univ.) Truncated Euler Systems over imaginary quadratic fields
Mizuzawa, Yasushi (Nagoya Institute of Tech.) On tame pro-p Galois groups over basic Zp-extensions
Lee, Jungyun (KAIST) Behavior of Hecke L-function of real quadratic field at s=0 and related problems
Matsuno, Kazuo (Tsuda College) Some computations of Iwasawa invariants of elliptic curves
Im, Bo-Hae (Chung-Ang Univ.) Chebyshev’s bias in Galois extensions of global function fields
22 Jan 2010, Morning
Yoshida, Manabu (Kyushu Univ.) Ramification of local fields and Fontaine’s property (Pm)
Kim, Hyun Kwang (POSTECH) Poly-Bernoulli numbers and lonesum matrices
23 Jan 2010
Taya, Hisao (Myagi Univ. of Edu.) Computation on the 2-divisibility of Gal(kC/kG) of certain abelian 2-extensions
Choi, Suhhyun (KAIST) Local deformation lifting spaces of mod l Galois representations
Ochi, Yoshihiro (Tokyo Denki Univ.) Pseudonullity conjecture in nonabelian cases
Kim, Ji Young (KIAS) Representations of binary regular Hermitian lattices
Hachimori, Yoshitaka (Tokyo Univ. of Science) Euler Characteristics of Fine Selmer Groups
Kim, Chang Heon (Hanyang Univ.) Families of elliptic curves over cubic number fields with prescribed torsion subgroups