
Who is she? 2007. 8. 30. 00:00


Welcome! Thanks for visiting!
This is Ji Young Kim's personal blog open on Dec 30, 2007.
Ji Young Kim (김지영, 金志榮) is 

a teaching professor at the Faculty of Liberal Education, 

Seoul National University (SNU).

( This profile is updated in June. 15. 2021 )

Mailing Address:

Department of Mathematical Sciences, Seoul National University,
1 Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-gu, Seoul,

08826, Korea.


jykim (at) (official e-mail)
jykim98 (at), (official e-mail)
jykim (at)
jiyoung_kim (at) (private e-mail)
jykim.math (at)

Research Subjects:

Number Theory (Arithmetic theory of quadratic forms and lattices)




Zentralblatt Math,+ji+young)


Google Scholar







Mathematics Genealogy Project:



2019.03 Teaching Excellence Award, College of Natural Sciences, Seoul National University.


Grant Received:


Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)

funded by the Ministry of Education (NRF-2020R1I1A1A01053318);

for the project entitled “1-Universal Hermitian lattices”;

effective dates 2020.06.01 - 2024.05.31.


Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)

funded by the Ministry of Education (NRF-2017R1D1A1B03028905);

for the project entitled “Research on strictly universal quadratic forms”;

effective dates 2017.06.01 - 2020.05.31.


Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)

funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (NRF-2010-0023321);

for the project entitled “Research on strictly regular quadratic forms”;

effective dates 2010.09.01 - 2012.08.31.



Publication List-Books:


친절한 수론 길라잡이 (A Friendly Introduction to Number Theory

    김병찬, 김지영, 이종규, 박부성 공역, 경문사 2015 

    ISBM 978-89-6105-888-9


우리 모두의 수학자 오일러 (Euler, The master of us all     

       김영주, 김지영 공역, 경문사 2016     

       ISBN 978-89-6105-966-4



Publication List-Research Articles:

[27] Integral quadratic forms avoiding exactly one geometric progression.

B. M. Kim and J.Y. Kim

On process


[26] On Graham partitions twisted by the Legendre symbol

B. Kim, J.Y. Kim, C.G. Lee, S. J. Lee, P.-S. Park and Y. K. Park

Open Math.  2023, Vol 21(1) math-2023-0134  (2023 October 26)

ISSN: 2391-5455



[25] On the existence of Graham partitions with congruence conditions

B. Kim, J.Y. Kim, C.G. Lee, S. J. Lee and P.-S. Park

Bull. Korean Math. Soc. 2022; 59(1): 15-25 (2022 January 31)

pISSN: 1015-8634 / eISSN: 2234-3016



[24] Almost regular binary Hermitian lattices over imaginary quadratic fields.

B.M. Kim, and J.Y. Kim
On process.


[23] Integral quadratic forms avoiding arithmetic progressions.

A.G. Earnest and J.Y. Kim
International Journal of Number Theory, vol: 16, pages: 2141 - 2148 (2020 November)

ISSN (print): 1793-0421, ISSN (online): 1793-7310



[22] The strictly universal quadratic Z-lattices.

J.Y. Kim
In process.


[21] On the partitions into squares whose reciprocal sum is one.

B. Kim, J.Y. Kim, C.G. Lee, and P.-S. Park
Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen, vol: 95, pages: 243-247 (2019 August) 

print: ISSN 0033 - 3883, online: ISSN 2064 - 2849

 DOI: 10.5486/PMD.2019.8574


[20] Multiplicative functions additive on polygonal numbers.

B. Kim, J.Y. Kim, C.G. Lee, and P.-S. Park

Aequat. Math. 95, 601–621 (2021 August).

Electronic ISSN1420-8903, Print ISSN0001-9054



[19] 1-universal binary and ternary Hermitian lattices over imaginary quadratic fields.

B.M. Kim, and J.Y. Kim

The Ramanujan Journal, vol: 55 (2), pages: 673-696 (2021 June)

Print: ISSN (Online) 1572-9303,  ISSN(Print) 1382-4090, 



[18] Multiplicative functions additive on generalized pentagonal numbers.

B. Kim, J.Y. Kim, C.G. Lee, and P.-S. Park
Comptes Rendus Mathematique, vol: 356., pages: 125-128 (2018 February).

ISSN: 1631-073X  DOI:


[17] A simple proof for Ji-Kim-Oh's theorem.
B.M. Kim and J.Y. Kim
Korean J. Math. vol: 31, pages: 181-188 (2023 June),



[16] Sums of nonvanishing integral squares in real quadratic fields.
B.M. Kim and J.Y. Kim
Journal of Number Theory, vol: 177, pages: 497-515 (2017 August ).

ISSN: 0022-314X, DOI: 10.1016/j.jnt.2017.01.006


[15] The strictly regular diagonal quaternary quadratic Z-lattices.
A. G. Earnest, J.Y. Kim and N.D. Meyer

The Ramanujan Journal, Vol: 37, pages 563-571 (2015, August)

ISSN: 1382-4090Online ISSN 1572-9303, DOI 10.1007/s11139-014-9647-7


[14] Strictly regular quaternary quadratic forms and lattices.
A. G. Earnest, J.Y. Kim and N.D. Meyer

Journal of Number Theory, vol: 144, pages: 256-266 (2014 November) video abstract,

ISSN 0022-314X, DOI


[13] Strictly universal positive definite integral quadratic forms 
J.Y. Kim
On process

[12] Strictly regular diagonal positive definite quaternary integral quadratic forms.
A. G. Earnest and J.Y. Kim
Contemporary Mathematics, vol: 587, pages 69-75 (2013) 

ISBNs: 978-0-8218-8318-1 (print); 978-0-8218-9503-0 (online), DOI: 


[11] Infinitely many regular subnormal binary Hermitian lattices over imaginary quadratic fields.
B.M. Kim, J.Y. Kim, and P.-S. Park.
East Asian Mathematical Journal vol: 28, Issue 03, pages 333-337 (2012 May)
ISSN 1226-6973, DOI:


[10] Sums of distinct integral squares in $\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{2})$, $\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{3})$ and $\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{6})$.
J.Y. Kim and Y.M. Lee.
Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society vol: 85, Issue 01, pages 1-10 (2012 February)
ISSN 0004-9727, EISSN 1755-1633, DOI:10.1017/S0004972711002607


[9] Classification of binary 2-subnormal regular Hermitian lattices.
B.M. Kim, J.Y. Kim, and P.-S. Park.
On process


[08] Kloosterman problem for binary Hermitian lattices.
B.M. Kim, J.Y. Kim and P.-S. Park.
Abh. Math. Semin. Univ. Hambg. Vol: 84, Issue 1, pages 17-29 (2014 April)

ISSN(Online) 1865-8784, ISSN(Print) 0025-5858, DOI 10.1007/s12188-013-0088-9  


[07] Even universal binary Hermitian lattices over imaginary quadratic fields.

B.M. Kim, J.Y. Kim, and P.-S. Park.
Forum Mathematicum Vol: 23, Issue 6, pages 1189-1201 (2011 November)
ISSN(Online) 1435-5337, ISSN(Print) 0933-7741, DOI: 10.1515/FORM.2011.043


[06] Complete classification of binary normal regular Hermitian lattices.
B.M. Kim, J.Y. Kim, and P.-S. Park.
Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan Vol: 63, Number 3, pages 1001-1025 (2011 July)
ISSN 0025-5645, DOI: 10.2969/jmsj/06331001

[05] On infinitude of new almost 2-universal diagonal forms of rank 6.
J. Y. Kim.

[04] On almost 2-universal diagonal senary lattices.
J.Y. Kim.
Ph.D. thesis.

[03] Fifteen theorem for universal Hermitian lattices over imaginary quadratic fields.
B.M. Kim, J.Y. Kim, and P.-S. Park.
Mathematics of Computation Vol:79, Number: 270, pages: 1123-1144 (2010 April)
ISSN 1088-6842(e), ISSN 0025-5718(p), DOI: 10.1090/S0025-5718-09-02287-X

[02] Finiteness results for regular definite ternary quadratic forms over $\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{5})$.
W.K. Chan, A. G. Earnest, M.I. Icaza, and J.Y. Kim.
International Journal of Number Theory Vol: 3, Issue: 4, pages: 541-556 (2007 December)
ISSN(Print) 1793-0421, ISSN(Online) 1793-7310, DOI: 10.1142/S1793042107001103

[01] Quaternary 2-regular lattices of square-free discriminant.
J.Y. Kim.
M.S. thesis.



[35] Aug. 23, 2019,

"1-universal Hermitian lattices over imaginary quadratic fields"

2019 the 15th KWMS International Conference

Seoul National University(SNU), Seoul Korea. 


[34] April. 19, 2019,

"1-universal Hermitian lattices over imaginary quadratic fields"

2019 KMS Spring Meeting 

Kangwon National University(KNU), Chuncheon Korea. 


[33] Jan. 07, 2019,

"1-universal Hermitian lattices over imaginary quadratic fields"

Conference on the Arithmetic Theory of Quadratic Forms

Seoul National University (SNU), Seoul, Korea. 


[32] Feb. 18, 2017,
"Sums of nonvanishing integral squares in real quadratic fields"

Joint Korea-Singapore Workshop on Discrete Mathematics

Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore.


[31] Feb. 07, 2017,
"Euler and Number Theory (오일러와 수론)"

e-Day e-Time

KIAS, Seoul, Korea.


[30] Jul. 02. 2015,

"Sums of nonvanishing integral squares in real quadratic fields"

2015 KWMS The 11th International Conference

KAIST, Daejeon, Korea. 


[29] Dec. 22. 2014,
"Sums of nonvanishing integral squares in real quadratic fields"


KIAS, Seoul, Korea.


[28] Feb. 06. 2014,
"Quadratic forms with strictly regular properties" 
31th Algebra Camp

SolBeach Hotel, Sonyang-Myeon, Yangyang-Gun, Gangwon-Do, Korea.


[27] Dec. 23. 2013,
"The strictly regular quaternary quadratic Z-lattices" 
I-Days: Introductory Workshop

KIAS, Seoul, Korea.




[26] Dec. 13. 2013,
"The strictly regular quaternary quadratic Z-lattices" 
SNU-HU Joint Symposium, International relation of young researchers in algebra and related fields, 

SNU, Seoul, Korea.




[25] Jun. 20. 2013,
"Strictly regular positive definite quaternary  forms and lattices" 
2013 The 10th KWMS International Conference

KIAS, Seoul, Korea.


[24] Nov. 29. 2012,
"Strictly regular positive definite quaternary  forms" 
KIAS Number Theory Seminar,

KIAS, Seoul, Korea.


[23] Oct. 6. 2012,
"Strictly regular quaternary integral quadratic forms"
2012 Annual Meeting of the Korean mathematical society,

Daejeon Convention Center, Daejeon, Korea.


[22] Jul. 12. 2012,
"Can you hear the quadratic forms?"
28th SNU Algebra Camp,

Alpensia, Daegwallyeong-Myon, Pyeongchang-Gun, Gangwon-Do, Korea.


[21] Jun. 29. 2012,
"Strictly regular diagonal positive definite quaternary integral quadratic forms" 
2012 The Youngnam Mathematical Society,

Kumoh National University of Technology, Gumi, Gyeongbuk, Korea.


[20] Feb. 16. 2012,
"Fifteen theorem and  Kloosterman problem for  Hermitian lattices" 

Department of Mathematics Colloquium, video,  

Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL. USA.

[19] Sep. 03, 2011,
"The Kloosterman problem for Hermitian lattices"
The 47th algebraic combinatorics,
Yeungnam University, Daegu, Korea.

[18] Dec. 16, 2010,
"Representations of Binary regular Hermitian lattices"
2010 The first Joint Meeting AMS-SOMACHI,
Pucon, Chile.


[17] Jan. 23, 2010,
"Representations of Binary regular Hermitian lattices"
2010 Korea-Japan Number Theory Seminar at Seoul,
SNU, Seoul, Korea.

[16] Dec. 16, 2009,
"The Kloosterman problem for Hermitian lattices"
2009 Joint Meeting of the KMS and the AMS,
Ewha Woman's University, Seoul, Korea.

[15] Jun. 19, 2009,
"Infinitely many regular subnormal binary Hermitian lattices"
6th KWMS International Conference, A Leap for the future of Women in Mathematics,
KIAS, Seoul, Korea.

[14] Dec. 03, 2008,
"Finiteness theorems for Hermitian lattices and Kloosterman problem"
KAIST, Daejeon, Korea.

[13] Oct. 30, 2008,
"Finiteness theorems for Hermitian lattices and Kloosterman problem"
KIAS Number Theory Seminar,
KIAS, Seoul, Korea.

[12] Jul. 31, 2008,
"Finiteness theorems for representability of Hermitian lattices and Kloosterman problem"
The 16th International Conference on Finite or Infinite Dimensional Complex Analysis and Applications,
Dongguk University, Gyeongju, Korea.

[11] Jun. 26, 2008,
"Finiteness theorems for representability of Hermitian lattices and Kloosterman problem"
SNU Algebra Camp,
Chunan, Korea.

[10] Jun. 17, 2008,
"Finiteness theorems for representability of Hermitian lattices and Kloosterman problem"
5th International Conference for Women in Mathematics,
Ewha Woman's University, Seoul, Korea.

[09] May. 10, 2007,
“Recent developments of universal and regular Hermitian lattices”
KIAS Number Theory Seminar,
KIAS, Seoul, Korea.

[08] Feb. 06, 2007
“Complete list of binary regular Hermitian lattices over imaginary quadratic fields”
SNU Algebra Camp,
Chunan, Korea.

[07] Feb. 01, 2007
“Complete list of binary regular Hermitian lattices over imaginary quadratic fields”
KAIST Number Theory Conference,
KAIST, Daejeon, Korea.

[06] Oct. 29, 2006
“On regular binary Hermitian lattices over $\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{-m})$”
KMS fall meeting,
SNU, Seoul, Korea.

[05] Mar. 23, 2006 ;
"On almost universal lattices"
KIAS Number Theory Seminar,
KIAS, Seoul, Korea.

[04] Feb. 01, 2006
"On almost 2-universal diagonal senary lattices"
SNU Algebra Camp,
Chunan, Korea.

[03] Jun. 22, 2004
"Finiteness for regular forms over $\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{5})$"
1st International Workshop for Women in Mathematics,
KIAS, Seoul, Korea.

[02] Oct. 11, 2003
“Finiteness for regular forms over $\matthbb{Q}(\sqrt{5})$"
Joint Symposium between Seoul National University & Hokkaido University,
SNU, Seoul, Korea.

[01] Aug.11, 2003
“Finiteness for regular definite ternary quadratic lattices over $\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{5})$”
SNU Algebra Camp,
Chunan, Korea.


03/1998-02/2001 Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
M.S., Mathematics, College of natural science.
Thesis advisor: Kim, Myung-Hwan.
Thesis title: Quaternary 2-regular lattices of square-free discriminant.

03/2001-02/2006 Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
Ph.D., Mathematics, College of natural science.
Thesis advisor: Kim, Myung-Hwan.
Thesis title: On Almost 2-universal diagonal senary lattices.


Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
Faculty of General Education, Teaching Professor.

Korea Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS), Seoul, Korea
School of Mathematics, Research Fellow.

Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
Department of mathematics, Post Doctor.

10/2006- 08/2007
National Institute for Mathematical Sciences (NIMS), Daejeon, Korea
Division of fundamental mathematics, Post Doctor.



Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
Department of mathematics, Teaching Assistant: Calculus1, Calculus2. / Grading Assistant: Algebra.

Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
Faculty of General Education, Teaching Assistant: General education.

Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL. U.S.A
Department of mathematics, Visiting Scholar supported by BK21.
Co-work with Professor Andrew G. Earnest. / Participate in Algebra Seminar.

Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
Department of mathematics, Teaching Assistant: Calculus1, 2. / Grading Assistant: Linear Algebra.

Other Experience:

09/2008 - 08/2010
KIAS Number Theory Group

03/2009 - 08/2009
KIAS Number Theory Seminar Organizer


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