'Mathematician'에 해당되는 글 164건
- 2010.10.15 어느 학부모님의 편지
- 2010.09.17 Upcoming conference for number theory/quadratic forms from fall 2010
- 2010.06.20 SCI Impact Factor 2009 4
- 2010.04.16 Chile
- 2010.03.25 John Torrence Tate wins the Abel Prize 2010
- 2010.01.21 http://mathoverflow.net 2
- 2010.01.07 2010 Korea-Japan Number Theory Seminar at Seoul 6
- 2010.01.06 Upcomming conference / seminar, From January 2010
- 2009.12.11 Google Wave 6
- 2009.12.10 Joint Meeting of KMS and AMS
- 2009.10.05 http://www.academicearth.org 2
- 2009.09.08 벌써 일년
- 2009.09.01 a good news 5
- 2009.08.24 CONM 493 Quadratic Forms - Algebra, Arithmetic, and Geometry
- 2009.08.19 세 종류의 지식
- 2009.08.17 What do you write in beginning of your paper?
- 2009.08.04 Upcomming conference / seminar, From August 2009 2
- 2009.07.21 2009 IMO
- 2009.07.03 SCI Impact Factor 2008
- 2009.06.16 The 6th KWMS International Conference A Leap for the future of Women Mathematicians 2
- 2009.06.14 KIAS Summer school onTropical Geometry with Bernd Sturmfels
- 2009.06.11 BOPPPS 2
- 2009.06.01 Upcomming conference / seminar, From June 2009 4
- 2009.05.13 수학과 학생들의 연구소 견학 12
- 2009.04.20 ICM 2014 서울 유치 결정
- 2009.04.15 Writing Mathematical Papers in English: A Practical Guide 2
- 2009.04.09 a good referee 4
- 2009.03.31 Dinner party 2
- 2009.03.31 Arizona Winter School 2009: Quadratic Forms 후기 - 공부, 먹고 구경하고
- 2009.03.05 Coffee