일시 : 2007년 2월 1일
Program :
13:00-13:20 조범규 16:00 - 16:30 김지영 13:20-13:50 이정연 16:30 - 17:00 박부성 14:00 -14:20 최도훈 17:10 - 17:30 이석민 14:20-14:55 임보해 17:30 - 18:10 명 성 15:10-15:50 이동욱
Title and Abstract
Title : On the Ramanujan's continued fraction as a modular function
Abstract : We first introduce the recent results about the Rogers-Ramanujan continued fraction, especially about its singular values and modular equations. And then we will consider the same problem about another Ramanujan's continued fraction, namely the Ramanujan-Gollnitz-Gordon continued fraction. More precisely, we prove the Kronecker's congruence for the modular equations by using the affine plane model algorithm
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Title : On Congruences of Jacobi forms
Abstract : In this talk, we give an analogy of the Sturm's formula for Jacobi forms of even weight. Moreover, we extend this result to the situation where the weights of two Jacobi forms are different. As an application of these results, we derive a congruence relation of Jacobi theta series.
Title : Larsen's conjecture on the rank of abelian varieties over cyclic fields
Abstract : Let K be a field of characteristic ≠ 2 such that every finite separable extension of K is cyclic. Let A be an abelian variety over K. We prove Larsen's conjecture which states that if K is infinite but not locally finite, the rank of A over K is infinite.
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Abstract :
Title : Complete list of binary regular Hermitian lattices over imaginary quadratic fields
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Title : What is Ramanujan's answer?
Abstract : According to Ramanujan's biography, The Man Who Knew Infinity, he gave an immediate answer for a mathematical conundum. His answer was said to be very general and a continued fraction. But the exact solution was never known. In this talk, we solve the problem and guess what Ramanujan's answer was.
Title : Poincare sum and twisted cohomology of number fields
Abstract : An idea on modular forms and Poincare series can be applied to general triple (g,G,M) with a finite group g acting on a group G and a G-module M. For a 1-cocycle c of g in G, we associate a Z-module M_c/P_c, which can be regarded as twisted 0-Tate cohomology of g in M. We will look at M_c/P_c in the case g is the Galois group of a Galois extension of number fields K/k and M the ring of integers of K and G its unit group, and a generalization of M_c/P_c.
Title : Higher Cyclotomic Units
Abstract : A discussion of K-theoretic analogs of cyclotomic units.
[Mathematician/Conference] - KAIST 정수론 학회 - 후기
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