Japan-Korea Joint Seminar on Number Theory and Related Topics 2008
Mathematician/Conference 2008. 11. 14. 01:132008. 11.12 - 2008. 11. 15
Tohoku University, Katahira Campus, Katahira Sakura Hall, Sendai, Japan
List of Lectures
Hiranouchi, Toshiro*(Kyoto Univ.) and Taguchi, Yuichiro (Kyushu Univ.)
Ramification of truncated discrete valuation rings [pdf]
Jeon, Daeyeol* (Kongju National Univ.) Lee, Yoonjin and Kim, Chang Heon
Families of elliptic curves with prescribed torsion [pdf]
Kimura, Iwao (Toyama Univ.)
Distribution of class groups of quadratic fields and related topics -A Survey- [pdf]
Hoshi, Akinari* (Rikkyo Univ.) and Miyake, Katsuya (Waseda Univ.)
On the field isomorphism problem of generic polynomials via formal Tschirnhausen transformation [pdf]
Ozeki, Yoshiyasu (Kyushu Univ.)
Torsion points of abelian varieties with values in infinite extensions over a p-adic field [pdf]
Sun, Hae-Sang (KIAS)
A derivative of Iwasawa power series [pdf]
Harada, Shinya (Kyushu Univ.)
Hasse-Weil zeta function of absolutely irreducible SL_2 representations of the figure 8 knot group [pdf]
Kinjo, Kensaku* (Tohoku Univ.), Miyazaka, Yuken (Tohoku Univ.) & Yamazaki, Takao (Tohoku Univ.)
2-adic arithmetic-geometric mean and elliptic curves [pdf]
Seo, Soogil (Yonsei Univ.)
The norm coherent elements and Zp-extensions [pdf]
Ozaki, Manabu (Kinki Univ.)
Construction of maximal unramified p-extensions with prescribed Galois groups [pdf]
Taya, Hisao (Miyagi Univ. of Education) and Yamamoto, Gen* (Tokyo Denki Univ.)
On certain imaginary abelian 2-extensions with lambda_2=mu_2=nu_2=0 [pdf]
Sato, Atsushi (Tohoku Univ.)
Construction of number fields of odd degree with class numbers divisible by three, five or by seven [pdf]
Byeon, Dongho (Seoul National Univ.)
Indivisibility of class numbers of imaginary quadratic function fields [pdf]
Otsuki, Rei (Keio Univ.)
Two systems in Iwasawa theory for elliptic curves and an analogue of Coleman map [pdf]
Kim, Byeong Moon (Kangnung National Univ.), Kim, Ji Young (KIAS) and Park, Poo-Sung* (KIAS)
The Kloosterman problem over imaginary quadratic fields [pdf]
Ono, Takashi (Johns Hopkins Univ.)
A note on Galois cohomology of algebraic integers [pdf]
Tomiyama, Yoshiyuki (Kyushu Univ.)
Lifting Galois representations over arbitrary number fields [pdf]
Choi, Youn-Seo (KIAS)
Eulerian series in q-series and modular forms [pdf]
Fukuda, Takashi* (Nihon Univ.) and Komatsu, Keiichi (Waseda Univ.)
Weber's class number problem [pdf]
Kida, Masanari (Univ. of Electro-Communications)
On metacyclic extensions [pdf]
Onishi, Yoshihiro (Iwate Univ.)
Generalization of Bernoulli-Hurwitz numbers for algebraic functions of cyclotomic type [pdf]
Berndt, Bruce C. (Univ. of Illinois), Dixit, Atul (Univ. of Illinois) and Sohn, Jaebum* (Yonsei Univ.)
Character analogues of theorems of Ramanujan, Koshliakov and Guinand [pdf]
Yamazaki, Chika (Kinki Univ.)
On a relation between the generating function of multiple zeta-star values of height 1 and the di-gamma function [pdf]
Jeon, Daeyeol (kongju National Univ.), Kang, Soon-Yi* (KAIST) and Kim, Chang Heon (Hanyang Univ.)
Traces of class invariants [pdf]
Ichimura, Humio*(Ibaraki Univ.) and Takahashi-Sumida, Hiroki (Tokushima Unive.)
Hilbert-Speiser number fields and Stickelberger ideals [pdf]
Ochi, Yoshihiro (Tokyo Denki Univ.)
Some remarks on the pseudo-nullity conjecture for zero Selmer groups of elliptic curves [pdf]
Oh, Byeong-Kweon (Sejong Univ.)
New infinite families of 3-designs from algebraic curves over finite fields [pdf]
Kim, Hyun Kwang* (POSTECH) and Lee, Jun Ho (POSTECH)
Evaluation of the Dedekind zeta functions at s=-1 of the simplest quartic fields [pdf]
Fujii, Satoshi (Keio Univ.)
Pseudo-null submodules of the unramified Iwasawa module for Z_p^2-extensions [pdf]
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